Katie Druce, Patient and Public Engagement Lead at the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis, discusses two virtual research projects
Katie Druce, Patient and Public Engagement Lead at the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis, discusses two of her virtual research projects powered by the uMotif platform:
QUASAR (QUAlity of life, Sleep And Rheumatoid arthritis) – the largest and longest remote study investigating sleep and quality of life for adults with rheumatoid arthritis. Katie describes the level of engagement as “phenomenal” with 91% of participants, that wore a sleep monitor for 30 days, being classified as engaged or highly engaged.
GIRAF (Gaining Insight into RheumAtic Fatigue) – an innovative 100% virtual study that involved participants taking their own blood spot sampling remotely.
Researcher Story – Katie Druce from uMotif on Vimeo.